November 28, 2011

Christmas Candy Creation afternoon 2011

Marzipan Christmas candy coated in dark chocolate and decorated with almond splits

Beautiful candy decoration
Yesterday afternoon I managed to get 14 persons
seated around the large table in the common house for the annual Christmas Candy Creation afternoon. It was actual the fifth time we were meeting up for this event.

Nougat "bread"

It is actual a combined occasion, where the "Tupperware Woman" comes and tell us about the "wonder" of using Tupperware. However, the most important thing is, that she is bringing all her many plastic things, which we can try out, while we make our various types of Christmas Candy.

Mountain of "Snow Balls"
My "responsibility" is to take care of my guests serving tea, coffee, white wine, different "creations" from my little kitchen.
And the most important task for me is to make my home-made potato soup, which we eat after some busy hours, before we pack up and go home with all of our creations.

Here you can see, how to give the final touche to "Snow Balls"

Winter decoration of marzipan candy
It is always a great inspiration of me to see and perhaps taste as well, what the participants are making of the marzipan, nougat, chocolate and alcohols, which every one is bringing with them for this afternoon´s "production" of Christmas Candy.
Cooling process of the Christmas candy
With 15 busy people in-side the common house and a big storm out-side the house, it can be tricky to find a place, where the chocolate coating can cool down, before it can be packed down in it´s boxes.
Moss for Christmas decoration arrived at my door step
Besides from the wonderful company of some great friends, I also got some nice hostesses gifts, so as a box of moss placed in front of my entrance door, so I can make Christmas decorations. I also got some chocolate, glögg extract, tea, Christmas decoration, Christmas Rose and some bathing salt.

A big thank you to all of you, who participated yesterday afternoon, for your great company and nice presents :-)

I think, I will invited you again next year :-)
Nice hostesses gift - thank you very much :-)

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